Specifies customized messages for storage prompts. Must be a child key of profile-support
inside a *.profile.bxb
profile-support {
// match-pattern for the `profile-stored` concept
match: FlightPreferences
storage-prompt {
// the type confirming the prompt; must be a boolean concept
confirmation-type (PreferenceConfirmation)
// optional message prompting the user if the concept should be stored
message (Store your flight preferences?)
// optional labels for the confirm-button and deny-button
confirm-label (Yes)
deny-label (No)
If you don't specify optional keys, Bixby uses default dialog.
confirmation-type required | Specifies a boolean type for confirming a prompt in a customized storage prompt |
confirm-label optional | Specifies a custom label for the confirm-button in a storage prompt |
deny-label optional | Specifies a custom label for the deny-button in a storage prompt |
message optional | Specifies a custom prompt for a storage prompt |
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