capsule {
capsule-categories {
category (Lottery)
The Lottery
NL category can help users purchase lottery tickets, and play local major lotteries. Local, legal, and reputable providers can sell and fulfill the tickets offered through a secure API.
This NL category does not include topics related to major league sport draft lotteries.
The following table gives example use cases, example utterances, and requirement levels for the en-US
Example Use Case | Example Utterance | Feature Requirement |
Get lottery results | "What are the winning lotto numbers?" | Required |
Purchase lottery tickets | "Play the lottery" | Optional |
The following table gives example use cases, example utterances, and requirement levels for the ko-KR
Example Use Case | Example Utterance | Feature Requirement |
당첨 번호 조회 | "복권 당첨 번호 알려줘" "[지난주][로또] 번호 알려줘", "[이번주][로또] [2등] 당첨 번호 뭐야?" | Required |
당첨 금액 조회 | "[로또] 당첨 금액 얼마야""[지난주][연금 복권] 당첨금 얼마야" | Required |
복권 번호 추천 | "[로또] 번호 추천해줘" | Optional |
복권 당첨 확률 확인 | "[로또] 당첨 확률 얼마야?" | Optional |
복권 구매 문의 | [로또] 1등 당첨 상점 알려줘 | Optional |
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