Bixby Developer Center


Keyboard Shortcuts

This page documents the keyboard shortcuts available in Bixby Developer Studio below in various tables.


This page lists the default shortcuts for Bixby Developer Studio. Many of these shortcuts can be modified in the Keyboard Shortcut Editor.

Global Shortcuts

These shortcuts in the following table apply to all windows in Bixby Developer Studio.

PreferencesCtrl + ,Cmd + ,
Hide Bixby StudioCtrl + HCmd + H
Hide Other WindowsCtrl + Alt + HCmd + Opt + H
Quit Bixby StudioCtrl + QCmd + Q

Editor Cheatsheet

These shortcuts in the following table apply when in an editor pane.


New File ...Ctrl + NCmd + N
New CapsuleCtrl + Shift + NCmd + Shift + N
New Capsule from TemplateCtrl + Alt + Shift + NCmd + Opt + Shift + N
Open Capsule ...Ctrl + Shift + OCmd + Shift + O
SaveCtrl + SCmd + S
Save AllCtrl + Alt + SCmd + Opt + S
Close TabCtrl + WCmd + W

Edit (General)

UndoCtrl + ZCmd + Z
RedoCtrl + YCmd + Shift + Z
CutCtrl + XCmd + X
CopyCtrl + CCmd + C
PasteCtrl + PCmd + C
Emoji and SymbolsCtrl + Cmd + Space
AutocompleteCtrl + SpaceCtrl + Space
Format DocumentCtrl + Alt + LCmd + Opt + L
Auto IndentCtrl + \Cmd + \
Toggle CommentCtrl + /Cmd + /
Show SDK DeprecationsCtrl + Shift + UCmd + Shift + U

The Autocomplete feature only works if there are available completions at the position of the cursor.

Edit (Selection)

Select AllCtrl + ACmd + A
Copy Line UpShift + Alt + UpShift + Opt + Down
Copy Line DownShift + Alt + DownShift + Opt + Down
Move Line UpAlt + UpOpt + Up
Move Line DownAlt + DownOpt + Down
Add Cursor AboveCtrl + Alt + UpCmd + Opt + Up
Add Cursor BelowCtrl + Alt + DownCmd + Opt + Down
Cursor UndoCtrl + UCmd + U
Add Cursors to Line EndsShift + Alt + IShift + Opt + I
Add Next OccurenceCtrl + DCmd + D
Insert Line BelowCtrl + EnterCmd + Enter
Insert Line AboveCtrl + Shift + EnterCmd + Shift + Enter
Indent LineCtrl + ]Cmd + ]
Outdent LineCtrl + [Cmd + [
FoldCtrl + Alt + [Cmd + Opt + [
UnfoldCtrl + Alt + ]Cmd + Opt + ]

Search and Replace

FindCtrl + FCmd + F
Find With SelectionCtrl + ECmd + E
Find in FilesCtrl + Shift + FCmd + Shift + F
Replace in FilesCtrl + Shift + RCmd + Shift + R
Find All referencesShift + F12Shift + F12
Focus on Next Search ResultF4F4
Focus on Previous Search ResultShift + F4Shift + F4


FilesCtrl + 1Cmd + 1
Errors and WarningsCtrl + 3Cmd + 3
SimulatorCtrl + 7Cmd + 7
SubmissionCtrl + 8Cmd + 8
RelaunchCtrl + RCmd + R
Recompile WorkspaceCtrl + Shift + BCmd + Shift + R
Open Debug ConsoleCtrl + Shift + DCmd + Shift + D
Open SimulatorCtrl + 7Cmd + 7
Show SidebarCtrl + Shift + 1Cmd + Shift + 1
Command PaletteCtrl + Shift + PCmd + Shift + P
Go to FileCtrl + PCmd + P
Go to Matching BracketCtrl + Shift + \Cmd + Shift + \
Go to definitionF12F12
Go to SymbolShift + Ctrl + OShift + Cmd O
Show in File NavigatorCtrl + Alt + NCmd + Alt + N
Actual SizeCtrl + 0Cmd + 0
Zoom InCtrl + +Cmd + +
Zoom OutCtrl + -Cmd + -
Enter Full ScreenF11Cmd + Ctrl + F
Toggle PanelCtrl + JCmd + J
Navigate BackCtrl + Shift + 9Cmd + Shift + 9
Navigate ForwardCtrl + Shift + 0Cmd + Shift + 0


MinimizeWindow + Down arrowCmd + M
Show Next TabCtrl + Shift + ]Cmd + Shift + ]
Show Previous TabCtrl + Shift + [Cmd + Shift + [
Move Tab to LeftCtrl + Alt + Shift + [Cmd + Opt + Shift + [
Move Tab to RightCtrl + Alt + Shift + ]Cmd + Opt + Shift + ]
Focus EditorEscEsc
Recent TabsCtrl + TabCtrl + Tab

Simulator Cheatsheet

These shortcuts in the following table apply when using the Device Simulator.


Reset Conversation And ExecuteCtrl + Shift + EnterCmd + Shift + Return
Review Execution History in Text Input WindowAlt + Up/DownOpt + Up/Down
Go Back in Simulator HistoryCtrl + LeftCmd + Left


Open Debug ConsoleCtrl + Shift + DCmd + Shift + D
Toggle Simulator LogCtrl + `Ctrl + `
Toggle Speech on OutputCtrl + TCmd + T
Toggle the Conversation tabCtrl + 1Cmd + 1
Toggle the User tabCtrl + 2Cmd + 2
Toggle the Settings tabCtrl + 3Cmd + 3
Toggle full screenF11Cmd + Ctrl + F
Actual SizeCtrl + 0Cmd + 0
Zoom InCtrl + +Cmd + +
Zoom OutCtrl + -Cmd + -


MinimizeWindow + Down arrowCmd + M
Close WindowAlt + F4Cmd + W

TV Remote Simulation

Remote ButtonWindowsMac
UpCtrl + Alt + UpCmd + Opt + Up
DownCtrl + Alt + DownCmd + Opt + Down
LeftCtrl + Alt + LeftCmd + Opt + Left
RightCtrl + Alt + RightCmd + Opt + Right
SelectCtrl + Alt + ReturnCmd + Opt + Return
BackCtrl + Alt + BackspaceCmd + Opt + Delete

Debugger Cheatsheet

These shortcuts in the following table apply when using the debugger.


Actual SizeCtrl + 0Cmd + 0
Zoom InCtrl + +Cmd + +
Zoom OutCtrl + -Cmd + -
Toggle full screenF11Cmd + Ctrl + F


Go Back in Debugger Plan GraphCtrl + KCmd + K
Go Forward in Debugger Plan GraphCtrl + LCmd + L


MinimizeWindow + Down arrowCmd + M
Close WindowAlt + F4Cmd + W
Open SimulatorCtrl + 7Cmd + 7