Bixby Developer Center



capsule {
capsule-categories {
category (Astrology)


The Astrology NL category can help users discover their horoscope sign and daily readings.

en-US Examples

The following table gives example use cases, example utterances, and requirement levels for the en-US locale:

Example Use CaseExample UtteranceFeature Requirement
Check today’s horoscope reading"What’s today's horoscope?"Required
Check horoscope by sign"What's the horoscope for Scorpio?"Required
Find out the sign based on a birthdate"What’s the horoscope sign for a birthday on January 1st?"Optional
Find out the birthdate range based on the sign"What dates are Pisces born on?"Optional

ko-KR Examples

The following table gives example use cases, example utterances, and requirement levels for the ko-KR locale:

Example Use CaseExample UtteranceFeature Requirement
운세 조회"운세 알려줘"Required
특정 시점의 운세 조회"[오늘] 운세 알려줘"Required
띠 운세 조회"[소 띠] 운세 알려줘"Required
사용자 프로필 기반 운세 조회"[내] 운세 알려줘"Optional

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