Bixby Developer Center


Layout Patterns

This guide describes visual design tips and further explanations on why certain layout patterns are ideal for various situations.


For more information on the various child keys used within the code sample, such as the image-object-fit key for an image in a thumbnail card, see the reference pages for the components listed in this document. For more information on component specifications, especially for design purposes, see Designing Components.

Multiple Results

Multiple results require a list of cards. There are several different styles of Cards from our component library. Find the best card that fits the information hierarchy of your capsule. The following table lists examples of cards you can use.

Image CardThumbnail CardTitle CardCell CardCompound Card
Multiple results with image cardsMultiple results with thumbnail cardsMultiple results with title cardsMultiple results with cell cardsMultiple results with compound cards

Single Result

This section discusses the various types of single result layouts that you might need to use. You should display a single result in the following situations:

This single result layout is also sometimes called a "Details View".

Details Layout

A details layout shows the details of a particular item. For space resorts, that might be the details of a specific space resort.

If images are a top priority piece of information, use an image-carousel at the very top of your layout.

Detail Layout with Image Carousel

Images are useful to see details of your product, which can further help the user make a decision. Other examples might include hotel rooms or restaurant interiors. Use beautiful high-resolution images to make a dynamic impact, such as artist posters, delicious food, close-ups of your product, or nature imagery.

Within space resorts, here is a full example:

Detail Layout with Image Carousel

This layout uses these components:

  1. image-carousel
  2. title-area
  3. single-line (Uses both an icon and a text inline.)
  4. paragraph
  5. thumbnail-card in a separate section (This lists the rooms.)

Here is the code:

section {
image-card {
text-position (Below)
image-background-color (White)
image-object-fit (Contain)
aspect-ratio (16:9)
image-url {
template ("images/planet.jpg")
title-area {
halign (Start)
slot1 {
text {
value {
template ("Venus Space Spa")
slot2 {
paragraph {
value {
template ("Venus • 0.904g")
slot3 {
paragraph {
value {
template ("Cryo Spa | Swimming Pool")
single-line {
image {
url {
template ("images/starRating.png")
text {
value {
template ("(280 reviews)")

// Rooms list
section {
content {
for-each (roomList) {
as (room){
thumbnail-card {
image-aspect-ratio (9:16)
image-object-fit (Cover)
image-position (End)
image-url {
template ("images/planet.png")
title-area {
halign (Start)
slot1 {
text {
value {
template ("#{value (room.price)}")
slot2 {
paragraph {
value {
template ("Room #{i}")
slot3 {
paragraph {
value {
template ("Cryo Spa | Swimming Pool")

If image aren't a top priority, you can still make a bold design with text.

Using large images is not the only way to make the design bold. Use larger text in slot1 of a title-area to make the design more impactful. As a best practice, you can add an image-list under a nice title in your layout. The image list can mask and show three images. If you use this layout with compound-card, you can create a customized card.

Detail Layout with Image Carousel

Within space resorts, here is a full example:

Detail Layout with Image List

This layout uses these components:

  1. title-area (In slot1, the text style is set to Title_L, while slot2 has text style set to Detail_L.)
  2. single-line (Uses both an icon and a text inline, with the style set to Detail_L)
  3. image-list
  4. partitioned
  5. paragraph in a separate section (This lists the rooms)

Here is the code:

section {
title-area {
halign (Start)
slot1 {
text {
value {
template ("Venus Space Spa")
style (Title_L)
slot2 {
paragraph {
value {
t emplate ("Venus • 0.904g")
style (Detail_L)
slot3 {
single-line {
image {
url {
template ("images/starRating.png")
style (Detail_L)
text {
value {
template ("(280 reviews)")
style (Detail_L)
image-list {
images (resort.images)
partitioned {
content {
for-each (resort.features) {
as (feature) {
paragraph {
value {
template ("#{value (feature.description)}")
section {
template("About our resort")
content {
paragraph {
value {
template ("#{value (resort.description)}")

Done Moment Layout

If you are confirming that an action has been completed and you don't need a receipt, you can create a simple layout to indicate to the user a Done Moment, which is the simplest result view you can create.

Detail Layout with Image List

This layout uses these components:

  1. single-line (Uses just an image in Title_XXL)
  2. paragraph (Uses a Title_M text style)
  3. attribution-link (Allows users to punch out, in case they want more information)

Here is the code:

single-line {
image {
url {
template ("images/planet.png")
paragraph {
value {
template ("It is currently....")
style (Title_M)
attribution-link {
label {
template ("More on CP name")
url ("")

Receipt Layout

This layout is useful for a "done" moment after completing a transactional workflow, such as a purchase.

Receipt Example 1 Receipt Example 2


When gathering input from a user, there are several ways to set up your input view.

  • If you need information from the user, you can use one of the pickers.
  • If you want to just provide the user a selection of items to choose from, tailor the selection layout.
  • If you need to have a user provide an answer after eliciting a response, you can use elicitation components in an input view.

Selection Layouts

Selection layouts are made using the selection-of key in the input view. Within this list, you should use a card. For more information on the specific cards within a selection layout, see Selection Components.


There are many options to use in a Confirmation Moment, but the key points are this:

Within space resorts, here is a full example:

Confirmation Layout

This layout uses these components:

  1. image-card
  2. split-input-cell and input-cell
  3. hbox with several vbox components (Using the text style Detail_M_Soft for most items, except for the line you want to stand out ("Total to pay now:"), which uses the text style Detail_L)
  4. single-line
  5. paragraph (Using Legal as the text style)

Here is the code:

section {
image-card {
text-position (Below)
image-background-color (White)
image-object-fit (Contain)
aspect-ratio (16:9)
image-url {
template ("images/planet.jpg")
title-area {
halign (Start)
slot1 {
text {
value {
template ("Venus Space Spa")
slot2 {
paragraph {
value {
template ("Venus • 0.904g")
slot3 {
paragraph {
value {
template ("Cryo Spa | Swimming Pool")
split-input-cell {
left {
input-cell {
label {
template ("Room")
value {
template ("Room 1")
right {
input-cell {
label {
template ("Guests")
value {
template ("2")
input-cell {
label {
template ("Stay Dates")
value {
template ("September 11 - 16")

section {
title {
template ("Contact Information")
content {
input-cell {
label {
template ("Name")
value {
template ("[#{value(cart.event.boxOffice.recipient.firstName)}][ #{value(cart.event.boxOffice.recipient.lastName)}]")
input-cell {
label {
template ("Phone number")
value {
template ("[#{value(cart.event.boxOffice.recipient.phoneNumber)}]")
input-cell {
label {
template ("Email")
value {
template ("[#{value(cart.event.boxOffice.recipient.emailAddress)}]")

section {
hbox {
content {
vbox {
halign (Start)
content {
text {
value {
template ("Room")
style (Detail_M_Soft)
text {
value {
template ("Taxes and Fees")
style (Detail_M_Soft)
text {
value {
template ("Booking Fee")
style (Detail_M_Soft)
text {
value {
template ("Total to pay now:")
style (Detail_L)
text {
value {
template ("Mandatory fees collected at hotel")
style (Detail_M_Soft)
vbox {
halign (End)
content {
text {
value {
template ("[#{value (}]")
style (Detail_M_Soft)
text {
value {
template ("[#{value (cost.fee)}]")
style (Detail_M_Soft)
text {
value {
template ("[#{value (}]")
style (Detail_M_Soft)
text {
value {
template ("[#{value (cost.grandTotal)}]")
style (Detail_L)
text {
value {
template ("[#{value (cost.feeAtHotel)}]")
style (Detail_M_Soft)

section {
template("Reservation Terms")
value {
template ("#{value (terms)}")
style (Legal)