Bixby Developer Center


2019 April–June


Internal platform changes that are not visible to capsule developers will be communicated via internal status updates.

19K Capsule SDK Release Notes

Updated: June 19, 2019

System-Provided Navigation Conversation Drivers

With the new with-navigation-conversation-drivers key, you can now add localized, system-provided conversation drivers for "Next" and "Previous" paging commands without being required to hard-code them in your capsule code.


result-view {
match: MyStruct (this) {
from-output: ReadOneAction

render {
list-of (this) {
navigation-mode {
read-one {
page-content {
underflow-statement (This is the first candidate)
item-selection-question (Do you want this one?)
overflow-statement (That's all I have)
overflow-question (What would you want to do?)

where-each (item) {
spoken-summary ("#{value(item)}")
layout-match (item) {
mode (Summary)

Currently, system-provided conversation drivers only support the en-US locale, though others will be added soon. If you use system-provided conversation drivers for other locales, they will not cause an error and will automatically appear when the specific locale is supported.

Local Endpoint Preconditions Deprecated

You must now explicitly import all Bixby-provided JavaScript libraries, such as console and http. For more information, see JavaScript API reference.

Deprecation Stages

Learn more about the deprecation stages.

  • Stage 1: R19O
  • Stage 2: R19P
  • End of Life: R19V

Conversation Drivers within Activity Support

We've added the ability to add conversation drivers to the detail-view of activity-support.

As a result, we've reorganized the way you declare a detail-view block, as shown below.



activity-support {
match {
MyReceipt (this)


states {
if (orderState == 'Ordered') {
state (Scheduled) {
summary-view {
title (--Scheduled summary title--)
message (Scheduled summary message)
details(**Scheduled summary details)
detail-view {
layout-match(this) {


activity-support {
match {
MyReceipt (this)


states {
if (orderState == 'Ordered') {
state (Scheduled) {
summary-view {
title (--Scheduled summary title--)
details(**Scheduled summary details)
detail-view {
render {
layout-match (this) {
mode (Details)
conversation-drivers {
conversation-driver (conversation driver inside detail-view)

Bixby Views Duration Picker

You now have the ability to add a duration-picker within Input View components. A duration picker is a full-screen component that lets users select a duration of time.

19J Capsule SDK Release Notes

Updated: June 7, 2019

Runtime Flag for Dialog on Detail Pages

We've added a new allow-dialogs-on-detail-pages runtime flag that allows your capsule to show dialog when users progress from a summary view to a detail view.

New 'isElement' EL Function

To support the new allow-dialogs-on-details-pages runtime flag, we've also introduced the isElement Expression Language (EL) function, which returns true if the node is an element of an array. This occurs when the node is being accessed with an array-style iterator such as for-each and where-each.

When rendering a details view for an item that is reached through list-of.where-each, the isElement function continues to return true for that item. This allows you to use isElement in result-view.message blocks to determine if your result-view is for a details view (in other words, an element selected from an array or collection of results).


result-view {
match: Donut (result)

message {
if (size(result) == 0) {
template ("no donuts!")
} else-if (size(result) == 1) {
if (isElement(result)) {
template ("details for a donut!") // <--------- example of crafting a custom message for the details page
} else-if {
template ("only 1 donut!")
} else {
template ("#{size(result)} donuts!")

Read more about EL node evaluation functions.

Updates to 'capsule-info.bxb' File

We've made a number of updates to the capsule-info.bxb file, which allows you to provide information about your capsule, such as the name, website, and branding images:

  • Renamed top-level description key to capsule-info.
  • Replaced companyName with developer-name.
  • Deprecated all related camel-case keys, which have been replaced with hyphenated variants.
  • Deprecated name, which has been replaced with display-name.
  • iconUrl has been deprecated, which has been replaced with icon-asset.
  • Added new option to include up to 10 screenshots.

Learn more about setting up your capsule's capsule-info.bxb file.



description {
name (Tip Calculator)
displayName(Tip Calculator)
iconUrl (/images/icons/gratuity.png)
imageUrl (/images/icons/gratuity.png)
description (Calculate the appropriate gratuity for a given service.)
dispatch-name (tip calculator)
dispatch-aliases {
alias (tip calculator app)
alias (gratuity calculator)
alias (gratuity calculator app)
alias (tips)
alias (gratuity)
websiteUrl (


capsule-info {
display-name (Tip Calculator)
icon-asset (/images/icons/gratuity.png) // must be local asset
image-asset (/images/icons/gratuity.png) // must be local asset
description (Calculate the appropriate gratuity for a given service.)
dispatch-name (tip calculator)
dispatch-aliases {
alias (tip calculator app)
alias (gratuity calculator)
alias (gratuity calculator app)
alias (tips)
alias (gratuity)
website-url (

screenshots {
asset (/foo/fi/foh/fum.jpg)
asset ( // ERROR, only local assets

Deprecation Stages

Learn more about the deprecation stages.

  • Stage 1: R19O
  • Stage 2: R19O
  • End of Life: R19U

Bixby Views Updates

We've added the object-fit option for image-carousel. This new key determines how an image fits within a Bixby Views component.

19I Capsule SDK Release Notes

Updated: May 22, 2019

Updates to Ranges for Decimals and Integer Concepts

We've added a new recognized-range key, which is used with decimal and integer concepts to set a range of acceptable values with a lower bound (min-value) and an upper bound (max-value).

Because recognized-range is part of features, you can have related values inherited by sub-types that use role-of or extends if you set the concepts-inherit-super-type-features runtime flag.

The previous method has been deprecated.

For more information, see Modeling Concepts.

Deprecation Stages

Learn more about the deprecation stages.

  • Stage 1: R19I
  • Stage 2: R19O
  • End of Life: R19U

Ordinal Selection Utterances

We've added a few more reserved utterances related to ordinal selections. Examples include:

  • (first)[v:OrdinalSelector]
  • the (first)[v:OrdinalSelector] one
  • yes the (first)[v:OrdinalSelector] one

With ordinal selections, users can replace "first" with any number, such as "third" or "fifth", for example.

Read more about Reserved Utterances.

Bixby Views Enhancements

We are introducing the header key, which replaces the title key within list-of in result views. You can also use a header at the top of a selection-of list in input views.

header {
title-area {
halign (Start)
slot1 {
single-line {
text {
style (Title_M)
value ("Address book")

Here is how the header appears on mobile:

Additionally, to help you specify the positioning of an image within an image content box, we've added a new object-position key to image-card, image, and thumbnail-card.

Finally, you can now add a background-color to images, which defaults to transparent but can be set to white.

New Error When Extending Concepts as Roles

We now show an error when you try to add or override properties within a concept that is a role-of a parent concept. You should instead use extends.

For more information, see Relationships Between Concepts.

Deprecation Stages

Learn more about the deprecation stages.

  • Stage 1: R19I
  • Stage 2: R19O
  • End of Life: R19U

19H Capsule SDK Release Notes

Updated: May 10, 2019

Changes to refresh

We are deprecating the following keys related to refresh and introducing the corresponding replacements to make refresh more consistent with other parts of the Bixby platform and allow for cascading control flow.

  • Deprecating refresh.condition, replaced with inner control flow that uses standard conditionals
  • Deprecating refresh.delay, replaced with refresh.spec.delay-seconds. This key also permits expressions such as this.flightNumber + 1.
  • Deprecating refresh.on-refresh, replaced with refresh.spec.with-request. This key also allows for cascading control flow.



  refresh {
condition("(size(this) == 1) and (this.flightState == 'active')")
on-refresh {
intent {
goal {FlightStatus}
value {$expr(this.carrier)}
value {$expr(this.flightNumber)}


  refresh {
if ((size(this) == 1) and (this.flightState == 'active')) {
spec {
delay-seconds (this.flightNumber)
with-request {
if (true) { // obviously optional, for demonstration purposes only
intent {
goal {FlightStatus}
value {$expr(this.carrier)}
value {$expr(this.flightNumber)}

New Template Sample Capsules

We’ve added new Template sample capsules that you can use as a starting point for your own capsules! There are currently two templates available: one for facts/jokes and one for quiz.

19G Capsule SDK Release Notes

Updated: April 19, 2019

Bixby Views Enhancements

Bixby Views now supports a lightbox-enabled toggle on an image.

  • Lightbox mode enabled (true):

  • Lightbox mode disabled (false):

Additionally, you can now include a single-line within any slot of a title-area.

New Runtime Flag for Inheritance

We've introduced the new concepts-inherit-super-type-features runtime flag that allows concepts to inherit features (such as transient or preferable) when extending or being a role-of their parent type (also known as super-type):


capsule {
runtime-flags {

Hands-Free List Navigation Updates

We've made several updates to Hands-Free List Navigation, especially related to navigation-mode:

  • The new item-summary-join-mode key controls how lists are concatenated in spoken summaries.
  • The new spoken-summary key provides a spoken summary of the current item in a where-each loop.
  • The new page-marker key provides spoken guidance during list navigation to indicate which page of items the user is currently on. New isFirstNavPage and isLastNavPage pagination functions are available through Expression Language to support this key.
  • The overflow-statement, underflow-statement, item-selection-question, and overflow-question keys are now under a page-content key, along with page-marker and item-summary-join-mode.

Learn more about Hands-Free List Navigation.

New Reserved Utterances

We've added a few more reserved utterances (also known as meta-commands), which are commands that have specific meanings in particular situations:

  • "next option"
  • "what did you say"
  • "no thank you"
  • "no more"

Read more about Reserved Utterances.

19F Capsule SDK Release Notes

Updated: April 11, 2019

Bixby Views Enhancements

Within Bixby Views, you can now have for-each loops within a single-line.

Additionally, you can add a shape to an image in single-line.

Promote Capsule Admins in Developer Center

You now have the ability to promote (or demote) capsule admins within the Developer Center.

Manage Collaborators window, with an arrow pointing to a + Capsule Admin button next to a Team Member's name, indicating you can add that person as a capsule admin.

Learn more on how to Add Capsule Admins and the things you can do as a capsule admin.