Sometimes, properties can be too time-intensive or resource-expensive to be populated each time that a structure
concept is called during a Search
action. Lazy properties allow you to call these properties only when necessary by using the lazy-source
key. For a given property that you don't want populated each time, you would associate the lazy property with a Fetch
action, which is called asynchronously with that data on demand. Bixby would call this Fetch
action, for example, in Details
layouts or specific dialogs for structures.
property (%name%) {
type (%type%)
lazy-source (%lazy-action%)
You can find an example of using lazy properties in the lazy-source
reference page. In that example, the Hotel
structure has a HotelDetails
properties that is only populated when users want more information on a hotel. It uses the GetHotelDetails
action to get those HotelDetails
The shoe
sample capsule also uses lazy properties. The Shoe
structure has an accessories
lazy property:
property (accessories) {
description (A list of accessories for a shoe.)
type (Accessory)
min (Optional) max(Many)
lazy-source (FindAccessories)
A Shoe
structure might have hundreds of available accessories available to it, which is more information than a user might need while browsing through a catalog. So setting accessories
as lazy helps save both the user and the system time.
The FindAccessories
action fetches the accessories data for each shoe, when called:
action (FindAccessories) {
type (Fetch)
collect {
input (shoe) {
type (Shoe)
min (Required)
prompt-behavior (AlwaysSelection)
output (Accessory)
When the data actually needs to be generated, such as in the Details view of Shoe
, the property is called normally and the planner handles calling the FindAccessories
action for that information.
macro-def (shoe-accessories) {
params {
param (shoe) {
type (Shoe)
min (Required) max (One)
content {
section {
title ("Accessories")
content {
partitioned {
content {
for-each (shoe.accessories) {
as (accessory) {
cell-area {
slot1 {
image {
shape (Circle)
url {
template ("/images/red-shoe-icon.png")
slot2 {
content {
order (PrimarySecondary)
primary {
template ("#{value(}")
secondary {
template ("#{value(accessory.details)}")