Checks if the passed input follows the specified pattern. You should also add any server-side validation that you might need.
text-input {
id (zipCode)
type (ZipCode)
pattern {
regex ("\\d{5}") {
on-error ("Zip Code Not Valid") // Optional
value ("#{raw(}")
id (pNumber)
type (PhoneNumber)
pattern {
mask ("(###)###-####") {
placeholder-char (_) // optional
guide (true) // optional
value ("#{raw(this.phoneNumber)}")
text-input {
id (email)
type (EmailAddress)
pattern {
email {
on-error ("We can't read this email address") // Optional
Here is a full example of using a pattern
in an input-view
input-view {
match {
IsSigningUp (isSigningUp) {
to-input: SubmitSurvey
message {
template ("Sign up for the mailing list?")
render {
form {
elements {
checkbox {
id (isSigningUp)
type (IsSigningUp)
primary-text("Mailing List")
secondary-text("Receive monthly updates from our company")
on-submit {
goal: IsSigningUp
value: viv.core.FormElement(isSigningUp)
You can run the sample capsule in the Simulator to see how this component displays on different devices, if supported.
Due to screen limitations on some devices, this component might not render and the user interaction is a voice-only experience.