Bixby Developer Center




Collection of named orderings defined for the structure concept.

Structure concepts that extend other structure concepts inherit their named sort orderings.

A child structure that extends a parent structure inherits the parent sort orderings in the following way:

  • If there is exactly one ordering for a given name in the parent structure(s), the child inherits the exact same ordering.
  • If there are multiple ordering declarations for a given name in parent structures (as a structure can extend multiple structures), the child inherits a compound ordering (compound from all the orderings for the name) with that name.
  • If the child structure defines a ordering with the same name as a ordering in the parent structure, it overwrites the ordering from the parent structure.

Structures that contain default-ordering are handled in the same way.


structure {

sort-orderings {
default-ordering (EarliestArrival) {

sorting (somePropertyExprOrBindingPath) {
by (OtherOrderingOfSomePropertyExprStaticType)

sorting (somePropertyExprOrBindingPath) {
by (AnotherOrderingOfSomePropertyExprStaticType)

// default order used
sorting (somePropertyExprOrBindingPath)

// inverted default order used
sorting (somePropertyExprOrBindingPath) {


ordering (LatestArrival) {

Child Keys

This node is identical to ordering, with the additional effect that it is used to sort this concept in cases where no ordering is specified by name
An ordering specifies a compound sort by providing zero or more sorting expressions, with sorting expressions listed in decreasing precedence