Bixby Developer Center



optionalvalue optional

Prevent falling back to a default dialog if no message is defined in a view. With this flag enabled, if no message is defined in a result-view, input-view, or confirmation-view, Bixby will not attempt to find a default dialog to show in its place.

Your template can explicitly invoke a default dialog using the event Expression Language function. This message block (from Bixby's default result view) invokes the result/no result dialog messages for the given this node, which will fall back to defaults:

message {
if (size(this) == 0) {
template ("#{event(this, 'NoResult')}")
} else {
template ("#{event(this, 'Result')}")

For more details, see Default Views in the Bixby Views documentation.

This runtime flag is enabled by default in the following runtime versions:


capsule {
runtime-version (6) {
overrides {
no-fallback-dialog-in-views (false)