Bixby Developer Center



optionalvalue required

The capsule name that is visible to end-users and is displayed in Bixby. The display name should be representative of your capsule and not be too generic. Your display-name cannot contain the words "test" or "beta" or imply that your capsule is in a testing phase. Capsules submitted to the Marketplace must be production-ready.

You must define this key to be approved for the Marketplace. For more information, see the Deploying Capsules Developers' Guide.


// resources/en/capsule-info.bxb
capsule-info {
display-name (Tip Calculator)
// Word Sensei's capsule-info.bxb file
capsule-info {
display-name (Word Sensei)

Here's the display-name on the Word Sensei capsule's Details page.

Display name as seen on Details page