Bixby Developer Center



requiredvalue required

Specifies the name of the secrets key, set in the Configuration & Secrets screen of the Bixby Developer Center, which stores the OAuth client secret.

authorization {
user {
oauth2-authorization-code (providerId) {
authorize-endpoint (...)
client-id (...)
client-secret-key (...)
scope (...) // optional
token-endpoint (...)
global {
oauth2-client-credentials (providerId) {
client-id (...)
client-secret-key (...)
scope (...) // optional
token-endpoint (...)

The client-secret-key is a name entered in the Configuration & Secrets screen of the Bixby Developer Center for the capsule:

Configuration & Secrets View

To get the secret with the name sec1, your authorization block would contain client-secret-key (sec1).