Quick Start Guide

Ready to integrate Bixby with your SmartThings device? This Quick Start Guide shows you the basics of Bixby Home Studio (BHS). You'll learn how to do the following:

  • Launch the BHS editor to start building a logical action flow.
  • Configure BHS settings.
  • Create a new project and initial Voice metadata file for a SmartThings device for a single voice intent.
  • Test your action flow in the BHS editor.

Let's get started and equip your device with Bixby intelligence!

The device used in this guide is a SmartThings-enabled light bulb. You'll use the example "Send a command to a SmartThings device" to create an action flow for the Voice command "Switch on the light." Once you've followed these steps, Bixby should be able to turn on the light with the Voice command "Switch on the light."

Launch the Editor

Launch BHS in your browser by visiting https://bhs.bixbydevelopers.com.

BHS displays the Settings window. If you're not already logged in to your Samsung Account, you'll receive a prompt to sign in.

Bixby Home Studio's settings window

Configure BHS Settings

If BHS doesn't open the Settings window by default, click on the Settings icon in the sidebar on the left.

The opening splash screen for Bixby Home Studio, with the Settings icon in the lower left highlighted

Here's how to configure BHS for your device:

  1. Select the preferred language for testing purposes under Hints/Dialogue Language.
  2. Select the maximum number of backups for metadata.
  3. Click on Save.

Create a New Project

Since you haven't created a BHS Project yet, you'll be prompted to do one of the following:

  • Create a new project.
  • Download existing Bixby Home Platform (BHP) metadata for a project.
  • Import a JSON metadata file from your local computer.

Click the New Project button. In the future, you can use the first three toolbar buttons on the top to create, download, or import new projects.

The BHS toolbar, with the New Project button highlighted

The next screen prompts you to fill in the project's device and metadata information.

The SmartThings Device and Project Template screen

Fill in the following information:

  • SmartThings Location: The location of the device you want to control, as configured in SmartThings.
  • SmartThings Device: The device you want to control, as configured in SmartThings. If a device is offline, then “[offline]” will be displayed next to the device name. The default status is online.

Choose how to create the initial metadata from these options:

  • Create metadata using SmartThings capabilities of the device. Choose this option if your device already supports existing SmartThings capabilities.
  • Create metadata from scratch. Choose this option if you want to create all of your own metadata.
  • Update from existing metadata. Choose this option if you're working with other people, so you can download an existing metadata file.

For the lightbulb example, select the first choice. Then click NEXT.


You can edit the metadata after the project is created, by clicking on the BHS Metadata icon in the left sidebar.

Select a Voice Intent

Now you're prompted to select voice intents from the selected device's existing capabilities. Voice intents are a set of user intentions that Bixby can understand from natural voice commands. Different capabilities support various voice intents.

For more information on voice intents, see the Voice Intents reference page.

The Select Voice Intents from Device Capabilities screen


If you select "Create metadata from scratch," you have to choose a Bixby Voice Category first. This pulls up all the related SmartThings device commands that are supported. Choosing "Create metadata using SmartThings capabilities of the device" helps narrow down the available commands you can work with.

Select the voice commands you want to add to the project. Voice commands control the project's device. For this example, choose the "Turn on #{Device}" voice command. Then click NEXT. You can now view the Review Project Summary screen.

Add the project name and click DONE.

The final New Project creation screen, showing the Review Project Summary page

BHS now displays its main editor screen with the voice intents you added, displayed in the Voice Intents section of the left sidebar.

The Bixby Home Studio main editor screen

Expand the voice intents to see the Property and Graph links.

BHS's sidebar showing the "Voice Intents" section of the project tree expanded

For more information about the editor screen and how to add more voice intents, read How to Use the Bixby Home Studio Editor.

Action Flow

To specify what action the device should perform for a voice intent, you need to associate the voice intent with an action flow. An action flow is a graph consisting of linked nodes of different types that create a logical sequence of actions. Nodes are the functions that developers can use in BHS.

A node consists of the following components:

  • Configuration describes how the node is set up.
  • Data input/output ports transfer information into and out of a node.
  • Triggering ports are the node ports that receive or send execution flows.

For more information, see the Nodes reference page.

Build an Action Flow

Follow these steps to create and test a logical action flow for a specific voice intent for the device.

  1. Place the Start and Command nodes
  2. Set the execution command
  3. Generate responses
  4. Test in the Editor
Place the Start and Command Nodes

All action flows begin with a Start node. The user triggers the action flow by uttering a relevant command. The Command node sends a command to the device.

  1. If you haven't already, click on the Graph link under the chosen voice intent. For this example, click on Graph under the powerswitch-turnon voice intent.
  2. Drag and drop the Start node from the node menu to the flow editor area.
  3. Drag and drop the Command node to the flow editor area.
  4. Connect the output trigger of the Start node to the trigger port of the Command node. This allows the Start node to trigger the Command node.

The BHS flow editor area displaying a Start node and a Command node, with the output trigger of the Start node connected to the trigger port of the Command node

Set the Execution Command

Now you'll define what the Command node does.

  1. Click on the Command node to select it.

  2. Click on APPEND NEW ITEM to add a command.

    The Command Node Configuration screen, with the Append New Item button highlighted

  3. Select main as the component, if not yet selected.

  4. Select the command capability from the Node Configuration menu. For this example, choose switch.

    The Command Node Configuration screen, with the drop-down for the command capability displayed

  5. Select a command for the selected capability and click SAVE. For this example, use the command on.

    The Command Node Configuration screen with the component and capability selected, now showing the selection of the command itself

You have now created an action flow that sends a Switch on command to the light bulb.

Generate Responses

Response nodes inform users about the success or failure of the device commands.

  1. Drag and drop the Response: Success and Response: Execution Failed nodes to the flow editor area.
  2. Connect the success output port of the Command node to the trigger port of the Response: Success node.
  3. Connect the failure output port of the Command node to the trigger port of the Response: Execution Failed node.

The completed action flow, with the two Response nodes connected to the Command node

Test in the Editor

Use the Try it feature of the editor to test if the action flow works as intended on a real device. Make sure your device is turned off. Then click on the Try it button in the menu bar at the top.

The Try It button

You should see a confirmation that your device is switched ON. You can see the green flowing line over the execution path. Any obtained values, responses, etc. are shown below the corresponding nodes.

The completed action flow, with the execution flow highlighted and the JSON results displayed under the Command node

Next Steps

You've now successfully created and tested an action flow for a voice intent! The action flow created for this tutorial is simple, but you can choose to add additional nodes to create a more complex action flow. You can also add action flows for additional voice intents that you want to include in the Voice meta information.

To take a deeper dive into BHS, read the following documentation:

  • The various Developers' Guides for BHS describe how to use more of the nodes in detail.
  • The references describe the various voice intents, SmartThings capabilities, data types, and nodes available to use.
  • The learning resources contain sample graphs for you to try, as well as additional videos about BHS.

Video Tutorial: Bixby Home Studio Quick Start Guide

The following is the 2022 video version of this tutorial.